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How to Get Rid of Genital Skin Tags

Skin tags on anus are flaps of fleshy growths sticking out of the anal opening. Skin tags are common around the anus or buttocks and affect quite many people. Because of their appearance, they can easily be mistaken for hemorrhoids. This post presents facts, pictures causes, signs and symptoms of anal skin tags. Furthermore, it highlights the effective removal methods, treatment and home remedies.

What are Skin Tags? (Appearance and Location)

Skin tags are extra fleshy tissues that hang off the skin. They are usually soft and flexible with an irregular shape. They are commonly attached to the skin by a narrower tissue part often referred to as the stalk of the skin tag. Skin tags are actually made up of loose collagen tissues with blood vessels to supply them with blood and oxygen.

Your doctor may use various names to refer to skin tags but the most common ones include acrochordon (plural acrochorda), fibroepithelial polyp, cutaneous papilloma, or soft fibroma.

Skin tags are harmless growths on your skin and hence do not pose any health risk. However, many people who have them find them rather unpleasant, uncomfortable and at times very annoying. Indeed, skin tags can cause problems which are not actually medical, depending on their sizes and location. For example, they may get rubbed or twisted and cause unnecessary pain and discomfort.

There are various sizes of skin tags: tiny, small and large skin tags. Common skin tags are small in and their measurement range between 2 mm to 3 mm long. Larger skin tags, however, can measure up to 5 mm long.

Skin tags can occur on almost any part of your skin. However, they appear most in areas that have skin folds like on the neck and eyelids and anus. In fact, one of the probable cause of skin tags is thought to be the friction between these skin folds. Despite this, skin tags are also found in areas that do not have folds at all like on the back and chest. Besides skin tags on anus, the other common areas on your body where skin tags often develop include:

  • On nipples and under breast
  • Under the armpit
  • On the neck
  • On the eyelids and around eyes
  • On the scalp
  • On the face
  • On chest and back
  • On male genitals (on penis or penis shaft testicles or scrotum and groin)
  • On female genitals (on vagina or vulva, vaginal lips or labia and groin

The skin tags on the anus are commonly referred to as anal skin tags or rectal skin tags.

What do Skin tags on Anus Look Like (Pictures)?

Skin tags on the anus look generally like flaps of skin that hang off the opening of your anus. However, the actual shape and size vary from one individual to another. Although they are usually found arranged around the opening of the anus, they may also be located slightly towards the outer parts of the anus.

The usual color of skin tags on anus is that of the surrounding skin. However, the skin tags may have a slightly different color which may be pinkish or brownish. Rarely, the skin tags may become dark, especially if they are snagged or twisted by accident. The dark color may be an indication of lesion due to the injuries sustained by the skin tags.

Skin Tags vs Genital Warts on Anus?

The term genital warts does not only refer to warts found on the genitals but also those found on and around the anus. Genital warts on the anus are very common and may be easily mistaken for skin tags. This is because they look very similar to skin tags and are located almost at the same area on your anus.

Distinguishing between skin tags and genital warts on your anus is very important. This is because their causes are different and hence they are treated using different approaches. Hence trying to treat one instead of the other may not bare desirable results.

If you want to definitely identify the growths on your anus, see your dermatologist to do it for you. Do not rush into conclusions. However, you can still try to identify skin tags by yourself, especially if you know some of their characteristics.

Skin tags on anus look fleshy, flappy and flexible and are attached to the walls at the opening of the anus with a narrower part. On the other hand warts o the anus look like dome-shaped bumps which resemble cauliflower. They are not flexible and the parts connecting them to the skin are not narrower than the rest of the growth.

Another clear difference that may play an important role in distinguishing the two is their causes. The causes of skin tags are not definitely known but are thought to be factors like friction and genetic predisposition. On the other hand, warts are caused by a well-known virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). In short, warts are caused by an infection while skin tags are not.

Hemorrhoids vs Skin Tags on Anus

It is may also be difficult to distinguish between skin tags on anus and external hemorrhoids . Hemorrhoids are swollen veins can that develop on the lower rectum due to increased pressure. However, you can also have external hemorrhoids that appear at the opening of the anus. This is why it may not be easy to differentiate them.

Again, as with warts, the best practice is to make an appointment with a dermatologist to examine them and professionally diagnose the growths on or around your anus.

Unlike skin tags, hemorrhoids are frequently painful and are found towards the inner parts of the anus and even affect the lower rectum.  In addition, hemorrhoids may cause bleeding during defecation whereas skin tags do not. Furthermore, hemorrhoids may cause itching in the area while skin tags do not unless they are irritated.

What Causes Skin Tags on or Around the Anus?

The causes of skin tags on the anus, like those in other places, is not known. Researches on the causes of skin tags do not give clear causes.

However, dermatologists have tried to explain the possible causes of skin tags. The causes suggested are based on the observations they make about skin tags and where they tend to lie on your skin. Some the causes that the dermatologists think cause skin tags include:

Hormonal changes

Under certain circumstances, the level of hormones in your body may fluctuate. These changes that affect hormones in the body have been associated with the development of skin tags. Hormonal changes may be caused by factors such as experiencing sustained stress and use of certain drugs like steroids.

The development of skin tags due to hormonal imbalance is more pronounced in women, especially when during pregnancy or menstruation. During this time, some women may develop skin tags on their genitals, anus and other areas. Those who already have skin tags may find that they slightly enlarge during these periods.

Friction or Rubbing

Friction due to rubbing is thought to be a major cause of skin tags on the anus, as well as other parts of your body. In fact, this could be the reason why skin tag tends to develop in areas where there are folds, including the anus, neck and armpits. The skin on areas with folds tend to rub against the adjacent skin, creating friction which is thought to cause skin tags.

Besides the rubbing due to the folds in the anus, there is further rubbing during defecation and this happens quite often. Furthermore, friction on the anus may be experienced when you wipe yourself with a tissue paper after defecating. Probably, the frequent rubbing and friction explain why skin tags tend to appear more on the anus.


Skin tags may also develop on anus due to hemorrhoids. Sometimes the swollen anal veins may enlarge suddenly and lead to the eruption of new skin tags around the anus. In such case, the skin tags usually exist together with the hemorrhoids but the two can easily be distinguished.

Anal Fissures

Skin tags on anus may also occur in people who have anal problems like anal fissures or. During the healing phase of the anal fissures, parts of the skin may cling together and develop into a hanging, flappy tissue.

Anal Surgery

In case you have undergone anal surgery, you may develop skin tags on your anus. This usually happens during the recovery stage when the healing skin gets swollen. It possible for flappy tissues to erupt around the surgery wound as it heals.

Being Overweight

Statistics also show that skin tags tend to affect obese people more than normal size people. Overweight people have more folds due to the extra fat tissues on their bodies.  Therefore, it is likely that being overweight also increases rubbing and friction which, as we have seen, could cause skin tags.

Genetic Factors

Genetic predisposition is another probable cause of skin tags on your anus, as well as other parts of your body. Some people just develop skin tags due to their genetic formation.

In addition, the appearance of skin tags on anus may run in your family due to genetic inheritance. If many members of your family lineage have skin tags on the anus, it is probably caused by hereditary factors.

Diabetes Type 2

Many people who suffer from type 2 diabetes tend to develop skin tags on their bodies. In case you have been diagnosed with this condition, it might be the cause of the skin tags on your anus.

Older Age

Your age might also be a factor that contributes to the development of skin tags on your anus. Although skin tags may form on children, they tend to form more on older individuals.

As we grow older, there are several physiological changes that take place in our bodies. These changes may be the causes of skin tags on some individuals.

Unknown Causes

Skin tags may appear in some individuals without any proper cause, including the ones suggested above. In such cases, the causes are not known. In fact, the actual causes of skin tags are not known. Recall that even the causes discussed are only suggestions.

Are Skin tags on Anus Cancerous?

Ski tags, not just on the anus but anywhere on your body, are generally benign. This means that they are not cancerous growths. Hence, if you happen to be having them, there is no cause for worry.

In spite of this, skin tags may on very rare occasions manifest certain signs and symptoms that may look suspicious. Such symptoms should not be ignored just because we know that skin tags are not cancerous. They are no doubt an indication that there is a medical problem unless the skin tags were injured.

The signs and symptoms that should not be considered as normal include:

  • Irritating skin tags: The skin tags become sore and painful
  • Itchy skin tags: when skin tags are itchy, you feel uncomfortable sensation that makes you have the urge to scratch them.
  • Inflammation on the skin tags: skin tags which are inflamed become hot, red, swollen and painful.
  • Skin tags change in color: The skin tags may change from their original color and become darker or just develop any other new color.
  • Growing skin tags: skin tags increase in size constantly and become larger and larger. Growth should not be confused with slight enlargement due to hormonal changes. Such small temporal enlargements are normal and are not considered to be growth.

In case you have some of these signs and symptoms, first, try to recall if the skin tags were accidentally injured recently. Physical trauma is the common cause of these symptoms. But if you can't remember them being injured or snagged by something, consult your dermatologist immediately to identify the problem.

The main reason why you should see your doctor immediately is to rule out dangerous medical conditions, including cancer, In case it is cancer, them probably it is not the skin tag itself that lead to the condition but rather just a coincidence that it occurs on the skin tag. Cancer require early medical intervention to prevent it from developing into advanced stages when it becomes difficult to treat

Skin Tags on Anus During Pregnancy

It is quite common for women to develop skin tags around their vagina, groin and anus, as well as other parts during pregnancy. Those who already have the skin tags may notice slight enlargement of the skin tags. This usually happens towards the end of the second trimester and during the third trimester.

During pregnancy, especially the second and third trimester, women usually experience substantial hormonal changes. As we have already discussed in an earlier section above, hormonal changes are attributed to the development of skin tags. Also, women tend to gain some weight during pregnancy and this is also associated with skin tags.

In addition, some women may develop skin tags during menstruation, especially if they experience severe hormonal imbalance. However, this is quite rare given that menstruation just takes a few day per month. For those who may develop skin tags during menstruation, it is Probable that the skin tags already exist in small sizes and the condition only triggers their enlargement.

Should You Remove Skin Tags on Anus?

Generally, there is no need of removing skin tags since they are not medically a threat to your health. However, there are various reasons why may you may need to get rid of skin tags on your anus.

The common reason why most people would wish to have the skin tags on their anus removed is to improve their physical appearance. Other rare reasons relate to health issues.

Skin tags on anus can easily be removed using various techniques that will be discussed later in this post. However, before you consider removing skin tags on your anus, there are factors you need to take note of.

You need to first make sure that the growths on your anus are indeed skin tags. If you are unable to correctly identify them, make an appointment with your dermatologist to diagnose them. This is to avoid the risk of trying to just remove some other growth, which may lead to more health problems.

Also, let the reason why you want to get rid of the skin tags be clear. The reason as to why you want to get rid of the skin tags will guide the removal process to ensure the objective is realized. Take, for instance, if you are removing the skin tags because they are inflamed, your doctor will need to first identify and treat the underlying problem.

Here are the common reasons why you may want your anal skin tags removed:

1. Medical reasons

In case the skin tags on your anus present a threat to your health, have them removed. In this case, you just have to get rid of them since their continued stay on your anus may lead to more health problems.

Some of the symptoms that may be regarded as posing threats to your wellbeing health-wise, including the skin tags being painful, irritated or inflamed. Also, if the skin tags grow or change in color, have them examined with and intention of removing them.

2. Annoyance Reasons

Skin tags are more of a nuisance than a medical problem. They may cause you a lot of non-medical trouble depending on their sizes and location. Having them on your anus or butt is, in fact, presents some of the worst experiences. Some of the annoyances that may result from skin tags on your anus include:

  • Painful experiences: The skin tags on your anus or butt may be vocationally snagged by your underwear, especially if you wear tight ones. Also, too much pressure may be exerted on the skin tags during defecation. Either of these scenarios will usually cause irritation, pain or even bleeding on your anus.
  • Discomfort feeling: In case you happen to have large skin tags at your back passage, they will squeeze themselves around there. This will no doubt lead to undue pressure and hence undue discomfort. This may, in turn, affect your day to day activities and enjoyment.
  • Obstructive annoyance: The presence of these hanging extra tissues may also make your otherwise easy activities difficult. For instance, they may get occasionally obstruct or even get snagged when you are scrubbing yourself I the affected region as you shower. If not, will at least feel uncomfortable as you shower.

3. Cosmetic Purposes

Due to our human nature, we all like and desire good appearance. So, naturally, the fact that you have skin tags on your anus may make you wonder why you are not normal like others. The annoyance, too, adds to the worries about the skin tags on your anus.

Although the affected area is a private, you may just want to look normal. In any case, it may not be so private to your spouse or partner. The result of thoughts and distress due to the skin tags will almost certainly lead to low self-esteem and lower your spirits. This, in turn, will affect your life experiences, including stress. In case of such cases, you better get rid of the skin tags and be happy again.

How to get rid of Skin tags on Anus

Fortunately, skin tags on the anus and any other part of your body can easily be removed. You just need to have them examined by your dermatologist and make an appointment with him to remove them.

Skin tags on anus may be a bit tricky to deal with, not because of being difficult to remove but due to their location and your privacy. But do not worry about this, your dermatologist is a professional and will definitely respect your privacy.

Besides medical procedures, you can remove the skin tags at home using home remedies. However, due to their location, you would rather just have them removed by the doctor. In any case, you might not be able to carry the procedure by yourself. In addition, some of the suggested home remedies may not be as effective.

Medical treatment for Skin Tags on Anus

Medical procedures for removal of skin tags are by far faster that home remedies or natural methods . For this reason, they are always preferred and hence should be your first choice if you want quick and effective results. Some of the procedures that have been effectively used to get rid of the skin tags include:

1. Cutting off the Skin Tag

Your anal skin tags can easily be removed by cutting them off. This is perhaps the easiest but effective method of getting rid of skin tags.

Your dermatologist will fast clean the affected area to prevent possible infection after the process. He will then numb the area using a local anesthesia. The anesthesia may be applied topically or injected around the anus. The anesthesia helps alleviate pain and discomfort during the procedure.

When ready, your doctor will tug the skin tags in place using a pair of tweezers. With a sterile surgical scalpel or scissors, he will cut each of the skin tags. Lastly, he will apply some antiseptic to the area and wrap a bandage to prevent bleeding and infection.

If you are conversant with the procedure for cutting of skin tags , you can do this at home. However, considering the location of the skin tags, you may need at least need some help from someone.

Nevertheless, you are strongly advised to have your skin tags removed by a qualified practitioner, who may be able to deal with any issue that may arise during the procedure. In addition, you should not cut off large skin tags at home as they will bleed profusely.

Removing skin tags at home this way may also lead to infected skin tags if the procedure will not be carried out in sterile conditions or if the aftercare is not thorough.

Usually. the affected area will heal after about two weeks so long as it is well taken care of not to become infected. However, this may vary from one individual to another.

2. Freezing off the Skin Tags

Freezing off skin tags is medically called cryotherapy . It involves subjecting the skin tags to an extremely cold condition to damage them. The freezing substance is usually liquid nitrogen gas.

HeltiQ Skintags can be used to freeze off skin tags at home

During the procedure, your dermatologist will target the skin tags by the stem with liquid nitrogen gas from a container via a nozzle. He will apply the freezing substance for about 30 seconds. This will damage the skin tag tissue and blood capillaries at the base of the skin tag. As a result, the skin tag will shrivel with time and eventually fall off.

Freezing off skin tags does not hurt. Nevertheless, you are likely to feel some discomfort during the process due to the coldness of the freezing substance. The feeling will subside a few minutes after the procedure. You can request your dermatologist to use an anesthesia at the beginning of the procedure in order to alleviate this discomfort considerably, in case you feel you cannot stand it.

Usually, this procedure is not accompanied by any side effects. However, there are rare cases where the surrounding skin becomes sensitive. It may also get a little reddened, which may be filled by mild scarring. But these side-effects do not normally persist for long as they will soon disappear. You can get more information about freezing off skin tags .

3.  Burning off the Skin Tag

Another effective option for getting rid of skin tags entails burning the off. In this procedure, heat is used to damage the skin tags, making them fall off after some time. The medical term used to refer to this procedure is cauterization . There are two types of cauterization depending on the source of heat used in this procedure.

Electrical Cauterization

In this procedure, electrically generated heat is used. In the procedure, the doctor heats up a cauterizing too by plugging it into an electrical power outlet. After cleaning and numbing the affected area, he will target the base of the each of the skin tags and burn it and damage it

Chemical Cauterization

In this procedure, the doctor will apply a chemical substance of the skin tags from a container through a nozzle. The nozzle ensures that the chemical cauterizer reaches only the targeted area. The chemical produces heat at the base of the skin tags and damages it

This description procedure may make burning off skin tags appear very invasive. This may frighten you. However, the actual procedure is very simple and effective.

Burning off the skin tags damages the tissues and blood vessels leading to the skin tags. As a result, the skin tag will turn black, shrink and eventually fall off in about two weeks after the treatment.

4. Tying off the Skin Tags

Another common way of removing skin tags is by tying off the skin tags . This method is sometimes called ligation. It entails using a string to tie the skin tags so that it falls off after some time.

During this procedure, your dermatologist will tie the base of your skin tag with an appropriate string. The most commonly used string is the dental floss. Tying the skin tags constrains the capillaries that supply the skin tag with blood.

When tied, the skin tag will be receiving insufficient blood and oxygen to keep it alive. As a result, they will gradually shrivel and fall off after some time.

If you want to tie off the skin tags yourself at home you may need to use a tagband skin removal device. This device will make the removal procedure at home much easier and faster.

Tying skin tags off may irritate the area around the skin tags. This will lead to inflammation and painful experience. For this reason, this method may not be the best way of removing skin tags in areas with sensitive skin. Genital skin tags and skin tags on anus are considered to be located in areas that have sensitive skins.

Home Remedies for Skin tags on Anus

You can also use herbal home remedies to get rid of skin tags on your penis or scrotum, just like you can use them on skin tags anywhere else on your body. The problem with home remedies, however, is that they may take much longer to work. Unfortunately for some people, the home remedies may fail to work completely.

In any case, it might not be very practical to use herbs on your anus for a quite some time. In addition, if the skin tags are large, herbs may either take too long or fail completely.  However, some of the commonly used home remedies for skin tags include the following:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Ginger
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Nail polish
  • Aloe vera
  • Onion juice
  • Duct tape
  • Essential oils

You can get more information on home remedies for skin tags , including further details, instructions and procedures.

Note: Skin tags do not only affect human beings. They can also develop on animals. It is common to find skin tags on dogs, among other animals.

Sources and References

[showhide type="links" more_text="Show Sources and References" less_text="Hide Sources and References"]

  1. Freezing Skin Tags Is An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All:
  2. Anal Skin Tag – Removal, Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies:
  3. Skin Tags (Acrochordon):
  4. Simple Home Remedies for Skin Tag Removal:
  5. Skin problems & treatments guide :
  6. Skin Tag Causes and Treatments:
  7. Removing Moles and Skin Tags – Topic Overview:
  8. 8. Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags That Really Work:
  9. Skin Tags on the Buttocks or Anus – Causes & Treatments: [/showhide]

How to Get Rid of Genital Skin Tags
